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Wellness Class Expectations
Take Care of Yourself
I can be safe.
I can try my best and persevere.
I can be a good listener.
I can wear sneakers and bring a water bottle to Wellness class. (Students can not participate in class unless they are wearing sneakers. Students will have a written assignment to do during class if they can not participate,)
I can follow the rules of the game or activity.
Take Care of Others
I can keep my body in control.
I can share, take turns, and work with others.
I can raise my hand.
I can be kind and use kind words.
Take Care of Our Environment and Materials
I can clean up for myself.
I can take care of materials and equipment.
I can use materials in the way they were modeled.
I can return what I borrow.
I can remember to not chew gum in class.
We look forward to a wonderful year of learning!
Kristen Cimino [email protected]
Jeff Boynton [email protected]
Garison Rogacki [email protected]
Josh Torr [email protected]