DMS Family Emails - Updated 3/7/2025

March 7, 2025

DMS Parents/Guardians –


Please read below for important dates and information.


Upcoming Dates: 


March 9 – Daylight Saving Time Starts

March 13 – Community Event 6:00 @ DHS (see attachment)

March 14 – Teacher Workshop – NO SCHOOL

March 17 – Trimester 2 Ends

March 21 – 5/6 Student Council After School Event

March 21-23 – PTA SAVERS FUNDrive

March 24-28 – SPIRIT WEEK

March 25 – DMS Band & Chorus Concert 7:00 @ DHS



It is not too late to order a 2025 DMS Yearbook! Yearbooks are currently $37 and available while supplies last. Yearbooks can only be ordered online and will not be sold at school.


Visit to order a yearbook for your child.


5th / 6th After School Event

Fifth and Sixth Grade Student Council will be hosting a Friendly Family Feud Fundraising event after school on Friday, March 21st from 2:30-4pm. Students are invited to form a team of five friends to have fun and laughs while competing for the winning prize. Spaces are limited to 10 teams. Each team can register with Dean Brickley by Wednesday, March 15th with the registration fee of $10. Tickets will also be sold at lunch for $2 for those students that want to stay and watch the fun!


From the DMS PTA

SAVE YOUR STUFF for our SAVERS FUNDrive March 21-23

Clean out those closets and bring your no longer wanted clothes, pillows, linens, stuffed animals - ANY SOFT GOODS in sellable condition- to DMS to STUFF THE TRUCK. 


Drop-off days and times:

  • March 21 3-5 pm
  • March 22 9 am - 1 pm
  • March 23 12 - 4 pm


Enter the Stuff the Truck raffle! Tell us how many bags you think you’ll be bringing to the Stuff a Truck event to be entered into our raffle to win a gift card from one of these local businesses (exact amount and location TBD)


Cincos Cantina 

Breakaway Cafe

Patty B's

Bubby's Bagels

The Brunch Club

Thirsty Moose 

Hong Asian Noodle Bar

Garrison Hill Florist 


Earn a raffle entry when you drop off at least one bag at our drop off event, with multiple raffle entries for larger numbers of bags!


Enter the raffle here


All proceeds will go towards our budding DMS field/recess area updates! 


Speaking of DMS field/recess updates - We are looking for your help! We are starting to build a dedicated and driven group of DMS community members who are interested in creating more options for DMS students during RECESS, such as a basketball court or a paved area for 4-square!!  We are currently seeking student input because student voice is the most important part of the process.  However, we will soon need help with FUNDRAISING and any CONNECTIONS our community might have to make these thoughts a reality for DMS students. 



POSTPONED March Restaurant night at Cara’s Irish Pub - we will be working to schedule another date later this year.


We are starting to look for sponsors for the 2025 DMS PTA Pumpkin Dash to be held on October 26th. Do you know a business or organization that might be interested in helping to sponsor the race, and in return receive publicity in our PDash promotion and on race day? Please have them check out our digital sponsorship form here.


To have a vote in DMS PTA activities, events, and how we use funds to support the school community, complete your 2024-2025 dues. Just $10 helps support DMS teachers and students and gives you a voting voice in PTA-led activities and events. Join today


We hope to see you at our next meeting on April 7 at 6 pm in the DMS library or at a future meeting on the first Monday of each month through June. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions at [email protected].



From the Deans

Please remind your students that water is the only beverage allowed in school. The only time that non-water beverages are allowed is during lunch in the cafeteria. Students will be asked to discard all other drinks.


Have a great weekend!


Principal Dube

Dover Middle School





DMS Staff Email Directory

District Transportation Information & Contact

Food Services

Student Handbook & Policies


Attendance: If you need to report an absence, please email [email protected] or call 603-516-7019 to leave a message.


After School Clubs:

DMS offers a variety of after school clubs. Please view the list on our website for more information. Check back as clubs are added throughout the year. DMS After School Clubs


Early Dismissals:

Students are not called to the office before a parent arrives. As soon as you check in at the window, we will call your child down.


Bus Changes:

Parents/guardians must contact First Student directly to request the change. First Student

will then inform the Dover Middle School office of the updated arrangements. You can reach First Student at (603) 692-4406. They require 24 hours’ notice to be able to approve and communicate the change. Notes are not accepted from students.



If you are dropping your child off in the morning, please do not park in the main parking lot. Numerous families have been here early and waiting in the lot, which is preventing our staff from having somewhere to park. The cafeteria opens at 6:55 and all early students can enter the building through those doors at that time.


Student Drop Off and Pick Up

Please do not park in the bus loop at the main entrance during 7:00-7:30 AM or 2:00-2:20 PM. We have several buses that utilize this area during those times. 


End 68 Hours of Hunger:

We hope everyone is having a smooth transition back into school. We wanted to inform those who are new to the district as well as a reminder to those returning to us this year of our end 68 hours of hunger program. The 68 Hours program is a food program that each household and every student has access too. Once a week on Thursday (or earlier depending on Holiday and break schedule) the students come down at the end of the day to receive their bag(s) of groceries. The food items are non-perishables such pastas, cereal, canned goods, peanut butter, and other pantry food items. If you are interested in having your household participate, please contact your student’s counselor, and let them know. We hope you have a fantastic school year.


DMS Counselors:


Nora Marden 5th Grade
[email protected]


Haley Gilmore 6th Grade

[email protected]



Cal Marsden 7th Grade
[email protected]



Joan Breault 8th Grade

[email protected]
